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Chip Back light


・High-directional chip backlight
・Increased directionality and reduced light spill due to the incorporation of a prism sheet
・Improved uniformity of surface illumination

Specifications: UCDBseries

Type Light color Light-emitting
surface dimensions
Power consumption PDF DXF STP
UCDB-20R15-PM red 20×15 24V/1.2W PDF DXF STP
UCDB-20W15-PM white○ 20×15 24V/1.4W
UCDB-20B15-PM blue 20×15 24V/1.4W
UCDB-27R27-PM red 27×27 24V/1.9W PDF DXF STP
UCDB-27W27-PM white○ 27×27 24V/2.9W
UCDB-27B27-PM blue 27×27 24V/2.3W
UCDB-43R35-PM red 43×35 24V/2.9W PDF DXF STP
UCDB-43W35-PM white○ 43×35 24V/3.5W
UCDB-43B35-PM blue 43×35 24V/3.5W
UCDB-63R60-PM red 63×60 24V/5.2W PDF DXF STP
UCDB-63W60-PM white○ 63×60 24V/6.3W
UCDB-63B60-PM blue 63×60 24V/6.3W
UCDB-100R100-PM red 100×100 24V/14W PDF DXF STP
UCDB-100W100-PM white○ 100×100 24V/17.1W
UCDB-100B100-PM blue 100×100 24V/17.1W
UCDB-140R105-PM red 140×105 24V/16.6W PDF DXF STP
UCDB-140W105-PM white○ 140×105 24V/20.7W
UCDB-140B105-PM blue 140×105 24V/20.7W
UCDB-160R120-PM red 160×120 24V/22.6W PDF DXF STP
UCDB-160W120-PM white○ 160×120 24V/28.2W
UCDB-160B120-PM blue 160×120 24V/35.3W
UCDB-250R160-PM red 250×160 24V/35.5W PDF DXF STP
UCDB-250W160-PM white○ 250×160 24V/40.6W
UCDB-250B160-PM blue 250×160 24V/40.6W